#364 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 1

Content notes: Occasional cursing, temporal distortion, references to loss of control

Brandon O’Brien — @therisingtithes — as The Keeper
Michael R. Underwood — @MikeRUnderwood — as Tempo: The Last
Jeoi Gawain Lin — @thisismyDasein — as Hamaliel: The Summoned
Aubrey Knotts — @MadQueenCosplay — as Ciarra Tân: The Surge
Aaron Hammonds — @aaroninwords — as John/Jane: The Found

Brandon leads an exciting and emotional game of Apocalypse Keys from Evil Hat Productions. In this episode, a team of super-powered individuals meets up and dicusses their mission, which involves an incident at a diner that involves a missing artifact that is also pursued by the Beatographs faction.

“Dystopian Guitars B” and “Dystopian Guitar A” by Monument Studios, used with permission.

Subscribers at patreon.com/speculate get early access to Speculate videos, along with other exclusive extras from our series, bonus episodes, access to behind-the-scenes material like GM streams and session zero recordings, and more!

This episode was edited by the amazing Rudy Basso (find him at https://twitter.com/RudyBasso). As always, thanks for listening!

#364 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 1

#365 - The Pitman Sculpture: An Apocalypse Keys Mini-Series, Pt. 2


#363 - Candela Obscura: Dreams of Oldfaire, Pt. 4